Good Morning,
Just reaching out to check on how you are doing.
If you are working from home or self-quarantined, isn’t it interesting the things your mind might wander too? (Isn’t “interesting” an interesting word?)
I also want to extend an invitation. Is there’s a supervisory issue or problem that is occupying your thoughts?
If I might be of help or just a sounding-board, please feel free to call or connect by email to address some of the issues below. I’ve got some free time. (“Free”)
· People issues (I hope you read the “Donkey” newsletter at TLPerformance.com.)
· Problem and Decision Making
· Staff Inventory (now is a great time to consider this one)
· Etc.
And, since I was talking about Donkeys, have you ever gone to see how many “So How’s That Working For You?” newsletters are archived in the Blog menu button. There could be a few chuckles and even some learning reminders.
May You and Yours stay safe and healthy.
Website: TLPerformance.com eMail:PatPiles@TLPerformance.com Phone: 585-953-1511