OK, I got your attention, didn’t I? Can this guy (me), really find a connection between Chinese duality philosophy, an animated movie with a Panda as the main character, and a guy who changed how-things-get-done.
Some of you are a little skeptical. (IKR) While others of you are REALLY skeptical. But, that’s part of why both groups read the newsletter isn’t it. So, let’s get to it…
The Yin and Yang describes how seemingly opposite forces can actually be complementary or interconnected. That would be like realizing that there are times when persisting in the midst of struggle and opposition can result in stumbling into your true strengths or true calling. So, persist and stretch yourself.

Steve Jobs was a very bright guy. He was innovative. (The Apple computer guy.) He was a risk taker. He was very successful. But, when Steve Jobs looked back on his life’s work he observed, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people.” I would add to Job’s words with: One person may have an idea; but the implementation, the delivery of large numbers of products or the delivery of a service to a larger customer base takes the work and efforts of a lot of people. Never lose sight of the people within your organization. Respect their contribution.
And now to the Kung Fu Panda. In this classroom, I mean in this movie, the panda says” Your real strength comes from being the best you YOU can be. So, who are you?”
In my opinion, if you wanted to pursue a new Management or Supervisory style try this profile:
A Manager who perseveres in times of struggle, with an anticipation of coming through to the other side stronger and better for the experience.
A Manager who recognizes that what one person might accomplish can become exponentially greater because of the efforts and contributions of the people you surround yourself with, and
A person of self-respect and self-awareness; willing to hold themselves accountable to “act” their values and personal standards.
So, who are You?