“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that’s why I succeed.” Michael Jordon.
Whoa! Michael Jordon just shared some powerful and insightful lessons with those reflections about his career and his life. IKR
I’ll let you take away your interpretation of Michael’s quote and I’ll take away mine. Let’s see if they are similar.
If you are just starting out as a Supervisor and Leader you might hit that “ponder” button. Are you embarking on a career journey that will require you to bring an “always strive to deliver my best” attitude, every day? And, for those of you who have “years of Supervisory experience”, when you look back on your journey, can you say with pride “I always do my best”? Note that I didn’t suggest that you always prevailed. I was careful to focus on your “effort”, every day, every week, and all year. That’s all.
I’ve heard that Michael Jordan recognized his basketball playing “gifts” and that he had an ongoing obligation to constantly hone them. He never took his talents and his “opportunity” for granted. It’s been said he stayed after team practices to shoot free throws. Hundreds of shots every time. He was constantly assessing his own performance. And when he missed a shot, just like you and me, he recognized that he would have another day to be even better.
It’s my interpretation that Michael Jordon had high expectations of himself. Michael’s message to me is that when you “fall short”, you respect yourself enough to strive to be better tomorrow. If you “can” and “do”, you too might be recognized for being someone to aspire to “be like Mike”. (Insert your name) ha!
It’s a legacy of someone who respects herself/himself. If you respect yourself, you recognize that you also have an obligation to the other members of your team to always “strive and try”.
That’s all. So what did you take away from Michael Jordon’s message?